What would you do if emerging technologies were jeopardizing your current offerings?
In this short video, we’ll explore how one of our clients navigated these changes and the impact that they were having on their offering. Ultimately, they were able to strategically adjust their sales, marketing, and product development efforts to stay ahead in the game.
Video Transcript
The Business Problem
What would you do if customers began embracing technologies that put your own offerings at risk, such that one or two years from now, your offerings might be less relevant or just at least wouldn’t have the same uptake as they have today? Well, this is exactly the problem a client came to us with recently. And instead of just guessing as to what the future held, they chose to Act With Clarity™.
The Solution
And once they did that, we conducted over 40 interviews on their behalf with data engineers and architects and CIOs. And during these interviews, we dug deep as to what these organizations cloud journeys were looking like and the types of technologies they were embracing that were new and how that was impacting the technologies that invested in for some time. And ultimately, our client was able to get a really clear idea of how they might change their sales and marketing and product development efforts to face this new future that was headed their way.
If you face a similar challenge where an emerging technology is putting your own offering somewhat at risk, you can either give us a phone call or drop us an email at hello@cascadeInsights.com or visit cascadeinsights.com and fill out our contact form. Hopefully, we can help you Act With Clarity™, too.