B2B Revealed: The Transparent Seller | B2B Sales

The Transparent Seller

Brian Surguine
Authored byBrian Surguine
Sean Campbell
Authored bySean Campbell

Trust in B2B sales is eroding. B2B buyers are increasingly looking towards third-party sites and influencers for reviews. Additionally, many tech companies’ sales and support teams are not set up for success in building long-term trust with buyers.

But there is hope. Radical transparency is key to rebuilding trust in B2B sales. According to guest expert Todd Caponi, radical transparency can qualify deals more quickly, shorten sales cycles, improve win rates, and keep customers happier.

Caponi is the author of “The Transparency Sale: How Unexpected Honesty and Understanding the Buying Brain Can Transform Your Results.” As the founder of Sales Melon LLC, he is also a B2B sales keynote speaker, workshop leader, and trainer.

In this episode of the B2B Revealed Podcast, Caponi shares tactics for building trust with buyers and ensuring mutual success.

In This Episode:

  • How transparency can improve win rates, shorten sales cycles, and qualify deals more quickly.
  • Why it’s important to let buyers know what you don’t do.
  • A negotiation strategy that actually builds trust.
  • How to build trust through a sales cycle and beyond.
  • The importance of overcommunicating after a contract has been signed.
  • How to use the right levers, in the right way, to give your buyers purchasing choices.
  • Why certainty is so essential for building trust with your buyers.
  • Why it’s important to tailor your pitches for each customer and their unique needs.


The B2B Revealed Podcast is brought to you by Cascade Insights, a hybrid market research & marketing firm specializing in the B2B tech sector. Subscribe to the podcast to keep up with the most pressing issues facing marketers in the B2B tech sector.

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