Freelancers: Avoid the Boomerang | B2B Freelance | Cascade Insights

Freelancers: Avoid the Boomerang

Brian Surguine
Authored byBrian Surguine

Are you thinking of diving into B2B freelance work? Read on, because there’s a very good chance that within 12 months you’ll be right back in your corporate job. This episode is a care package for anyone jumping into the gig economy.

In this episode, Brianna Caza joins us to discuss her research on freelance workers. Caza is an Associate Professor of Business Ethics at the University of Manitoba. Her research centers on understanding the resources and processes that produce resilience at work.

Jumping into B2B freelance work is a double-edged sword. Freelancing offers more control over projects, clients, and expectations. This is good news for individuals who highly value autonomy and meaning in their work. Furthermore, the gender pay gap closes among freelancers. Accordingly, Caza’s research shows that independent consultants find significantly higher satisfaction in their work than traditional consultants.

However, freelancing presents some serious stumbling blocks for the naive. Unpredictability, insecurity, and volatility are real downsides to freelance work. Worse still, losing management and coordinating systems means the workload doubles to handle tasks like taxes and accounting. Finally, freelancers can also encounter both physical and intellectual loneliness as they work in isolation.

If you’re thinking about “going gig,” or you’re an employer looking to retain exceptional talent, Caza’s research and advice might help you chart a course to success.

In this episode:

  • The risks and rewards of going freelance.
  • Stability, sense of identity, and other benefits of working for an organization.
  • How women in particular find more satisfaction and equal pay from freelance work.
  • How “backroom” work can creep up on and tire out new freelancers.
  • The importance of cultivating a personal brand when you’re working independently.
  • How organizations can respond to the increasing popularity of the gig economy.


This podcast is brought to you by Cascade Insights. With B2B focused market research and marketing services, Cascade Insights helps companies seize opportunities in the B2B technology sector.

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